Search results for tag: Database (2)

Mohamed Gamal Ali Shehata

Submitting a published paper with regards to the MyotonPRO Device

Mohamed Gamal Ali Shehata  posted 18 days ago
Dear Doctors,
I hope all is well. I want to share my published Journal of Clinical Medicine paper with you. The title is: Do Lumbar Paravertebral Muscle Properties Show Changes in Mothers with Moderate-Severity Low Back Pain Following a Cesarean Birth? A Case–Control Study
 The link is:
Aleko Peipsi

Creating a New Database in Myoton Software

Aleko Peipsi  posted 28 days ago
Creating a new database in Myoton software is a straightforward process! Follow these simple steps, as illustrated in the accompanying screenshot:
1. Open Myoton Software: Launch the application on your computer.
2. Open Connected Database Location: Click on the Database icon located on the main toolbar.
3. Rename Connected Database: Modify the existing database name to suit your project and click OK. These steps allow you to create as many databases as needed, for example, one for each project.

Database Name: Choose a name that reflects your project title. It allows you to keep measurement results from different projects separate, enhancing data management.
Flexibility and Efficiency: You can easily switch between databases as needed. Additionally, the Myoton software offers the capability to merge or combine multiple databases. This feature is particularly beneficial for multi-center studies, allowing you to consolidate sub-databases from various sites into one comprehensive database. This step may be beneficial before conducting final data analysis and statistics.

By following these guidelines, you can effectively organize your data in the Myoton software, enhancing your workflow, allowing the software to operate with smaller database sizes. Moreover, it is also safer to keep different projects in separate database files.
Top contributors
Aleko Peipsi with 9 posts and comments
CEO in Myoton AS
Liis Peipsi with 3 posts and comments
Alastair McLoughlin with 3 posts and comments
Lefevre with 2 posts and comments
Daniel with 2 posts and comments
Feyer with 1 posts and comments
MIJIN KIM with 1 posts and comments