Every measurement location has its unique depth of measurement depending on the oscillating tissue's elasticity and the dissipation of oscillation frequency. The higher the elasticity and more gradual the dissipation of mechanical energy of the oscillation, the further the impulse wave spreads, meaning the greater the depth of measurement.

Average depth of measurement for adipose tissue is estimated to be around 20mm. For skeletal muscles and tendons, depth of measurement is noticeably greater as the impulse wave spreads further due to the dissipation of tissue oscillation being more gradual.

As for skeletal muscles underneath a thick layer of adipose tissue, as a first measure, it is recommended to choose muscles with the least amount of adipose tissue covering them (if possible) to ensure the impulse reaches the muscle. However, when in doubt, measurement depth can be verified by conducting a test measurement with the muscle of interest at full rest vs slightly to moderately contracted. For this purpose, a test measurement with a single impulse can be conducted for both states of muscle activation.

If the second measurement with the muscle contracted reflects higher oscillation frequency and stiffness than the first measurement (e.g. F 14Hz vs 16Hz; S 250N/m vs 300N/m), then the higher values for oscillation frequency and stiffness are due to muscle activation - thus confirming the measurement impulse reaches the muscle and subsequently the muscle response to the measurement impulse reaches back to the device probe.